
From PrePostPrint
2015: Raphaël Bastide and Louise Drulhe open https://computedlayout.tumblr.com/ in a wish to gather resource on code to print techniques.

2015: Description of Computed Layout: HTML and CSS are now powerful enough to design and print complex publications, and some designers and hackers embrace scripting as a design tool. This website introduces projects that experiment this design process, focusing on issues and tricks to achieve this new generation of publications.

Event title:
Year: 6,7.04.2017
Place: Parsons Paris
Description: First PrePostPrint Workshop: Sarah Garcin and Raphaël Bastide invite Romain Marula and Étienne Ozeray for “A two days open workshop dedicated to the experimentation of alternative publishing systems.”

06.04.2017: Publication of codeX

06.2017: Antoine Fauchié, "Workshop PrePostPrint‐Chercher, manipuler, partager, imprimer", http://strabic.fr/Workshop-PrePostPrint

Description de PrePostPrint en 2017: PrePostPrint est un laboratoire et groupe de recherche autour des systèmes de publication libres alternatifs. PrePostPrint a la vocation de rassembler les acteurs qui travaillent sur des techniques de publications expérimentales. Nous partageons la volonté de nous passer des logiciels classiques de mise en page et d'édition pour nous tourner vers des technologies plus accessibles et conviviales, pouvant évoluer et s'adapter à chaque projet. La programmation devient un outil de design et permet de réinventer sans cesse le processus de création éditoriale, questionnant les formats et les formes de publications.

Event title: PrePostprint at the Gaîté Lyrique
Year: 2017
Place: Gaîté Lyrique (Paris)
Description: Alternative publishing fair, Talks and meetings, Code X publication
Website: https://prepostprint.org/gaitelyrique/

Event title: Launch of Website v1 (wiki)
Year: 07.03.2018
Place: online
Description: A wiki made to collaborate on documentation. Built by Eric on dokuwiki.

March 2018: paged.js is launch

Event title: EnsadLab invite PrePostPrint
Year: 20.03.2018
Place: École Nationale Supérieure des Arts Décoratifs (Paris)
Videos of talks:

- Raphaël Bastide and Sarah Garcin — https://vimeo.com/292699991
- Paul Bernhard — https://vimeo.com/292899626
- Julien Taquet — https://vimeo.com/292898965
- Open Source Publishing — https://vimeo.com/292730891
- Anthony Masure — https://vimeo.com/292729893
- Mutations numériques de l’édition —https://vimeo.com/292728741
- Eric Schrijver — https://vimeo.com/292727821
- Colette Tron et Pascal Jourdana — https://vimeo.com/292726653

Event:Paged Media × PrePostPrint workshop
Year: 11.12.2018
Place: Brussel and Ensad Paris
Description:Series of workshop arround paged.js with the prepostprint network
Website: https://www.pagedmedia.org/an-overview-of-the-paged-media-x-prepostprint-workshop/

Event title: Launch of Website v2
Year: 2020
Place: online
Description: A website built to introduce Resources and Publications. Built with Processwire by Raphaël

Description of PrePostPrint in 2020 : 
PrePostPrint wants to gather those working with experimental publishing techniques and to help to make their projects and tools more accessible. 
PrePostPrint is a label and a website aiming to promote graphic objects and resources in line with the following characteristics:
- Experimental – The graphic object is crafted within an experimental or unusual approach with alternative, hacked or DIY tools, made in a certain context constrained by its economy, its emergency or its collaborative nature.
- Free Software – The tools used to make the object and if it is possible, the content of the object itself, are published under a free (software) license.
- Documented – The object is documented according to the PrePostPrint criteria, then published on the website prepostprint.org.

Event title: PPProttype 1
Year: 18, 19.09.2021
Place: La Générale (Paris)
Description: Two days hackaton arround web2print tools and publications

Event title: PPProtoype 2 
Year: 30.04.2022, 01.05.2022
Place: La Générale (Paris)
Description: Two days hackaton arround web2print tools and publications

Event title: Publishing Partyline in Varia
Year: 2022
Place: Varia (Rotterdam)
Description: During this envent, important discussions happend about PrePostPrint organisation, leading to the creation of the maintainers group.

14.12.2022 – Creation of the Element maintainers discussion group

05.01.2023 – Creation of the Mastodon account - post.lurk.org/@prepostprint in a wish to leave Twitter

Desciption de PrePostPrint en 2023 : PrePostPrint is a network of designers and groups working with experimental publishing techniques to produce graphic objects (publications/books/zines/posters/websites/...) and tools. PPP shares news on projects made with free software/hacked/DIY tools, tries to highlight alternatives approaches to the classic publishing workflows, and promotes sharing, documentation and the use of open licenses in these fields. PPP also tries to relay open calls, events, workshops or conferences, so please get in touch if your interests resonate and share the word!
PPP is currently evolving / under construction. After a recent reactivation during three days at Varia in Rotterdam, we hope to continue the adventure here, in online forms and IRL gatherings. Thanks to the folks of post.lurk.org for an account on this instance!

Event title: PPP maintainers meeting
Year: 18, 19.03.2023
Place: La Générale (Paris)
Description: Hackaton of two days arround web2print tools and publication