PPPermapublishing @ HEAR (Strasbourg): 28–29 September 2024

From PrePostPrint

On September 28 and 29, 2024, a PPPermapublishing workshop will take place at HEAR, Strasbourg, France.

Invitation email

Between May and July 2024, several rounds of invitations to the PPPermapublishing workshop were sent out. Here is what the email said:

Hello, here PrePostPrint!

We're inviting you to our next meeting, happening in Strasbourg, France. This will be a two-day event on September 28–29, 2024 @ HEAR, Strasbourg, France. This gathering's theme will be PPPermapublishing! 

Indeed, the PrePostPrint community of practices shares a lot of principles and political values with the Permacomputing’s one. So we'd be happy to bring designers, developers, artists, hackers, researchers, computer scientists, teachers and publishers closer together, to meet and help each other and share ideas, knowledge, and approaches around informal discussions and short projects' demos and presentations. 

Just like at our last event @ Césure, Paris, there's no fixed program, so we'll adapt to the mood of the moment. We hope you will all have fun within the PPPermapublishing playground :)

For the newcomers who might not know the spirit of PPP events, without being a proper workshop, this moment would enable us to move forward together on our respective projects, while being able to share them with the people who will be there.

Feel free to come join us with your ideas, projects, prototypes, or just yourself and your curiosity!

To give you a start, you could:

  • present a tool, a software, a publication, a website
  • ask questions or help
  • make a collaborative edition, a zine, an exquisite corpse
  • write something, document a project, or the event
  • bring a book, something printed, or any publication you make or love for others to browse
  • share files, resources, scripts or CSS tips & tricks 
  • pursue ongoing PPP organization matters such as wiki, communication & so on     
  • add things to the PPP wiki page
  • contribute altogether on a project


This event will start on Saturday morning at 9:30 a.m., but if some of you want to arrive on Friday evening, we will have a drink in Strasbourg. We'll try to find as many accommodations as we can. If you can host people, please reach out to us! To help us organize, we will send to all registered people a link to an online spreadsheet a few weeks before the event.


We will try to eat together. For Saturday and Sunday lunches, we'll have homemade vegetarian meals. In order to do so, we'll have a communal potluck to pay for everyone's meal. Of course, we'll have breakfast on both days (coffee, croissants & bretzels), and at dinner, we'll give you cool places to go.


Finally, if you'd like to join us, please fill this form to confirm your participation. We do not yet exactly know the gauge of our venue, but we plan to be around 50 to 60 people. We already have a long list of invites, even though the event is not restricted to them. You may ask us for plus ones, and we'll happily discuss it. However, don't come with an unannounced guest just to avoid any issues.

Please note that the event is free of charge and organized on a voluntary basis, and that we will unfortunately not be able to reimburse any transportation costs.


Come with cups, mugs, outlets, USB keys, HDMI adapters, and so on. Most importantly, don't forget your computer. If you're into plotters, thermal printers, Raspberries and Arduino controllers, it is absolutely the place to shine with those! 

We're really excited to welcome you all in Strasbourg, and gather once more our PrePostPrint community :)

With a lot of love,

Timothée & Victor


For the structure of the event we will reproduce Yann & Julie's brilliant ideas to have four spaces to help people navigate among the numerous projects, desires and group chats:

  • PPProposals: a panel on which anyone can formulate a proposition to the other participants, whether it is a workshop proposition, a subject to discuss, some skills that they can provide to help somebody, etc.
  • PPPreguntas: another panel, this time to provide the opposite of the PPProposals — a place to share a question, a wish, or a need, that you would like to share with the participants in order to get their feedback or their reactions.
  • PPPartage: a series of tables where people can display the stuff (mostly prints) that they bring and that they want the other participants to have a look at. By default, the items the participants put on the table will be for consultation purposes only, but it was also possible to opt out of the consultation-only mode to turn it into a giveaway :)
  • PPPresentations: for the two days, at 12pm, 2pm, 4pm and 6pm, five slots will be made available for a series of 5-minute presentation. The clock will be loosely looked at, people could take the time to showcase a tool, a publication, present what they want to do or what they did during the time they spent here.