PPPermapublishing @ HEAR (Strasbourg): 28–29 September 2024

On September 28 and 29, 2024, a PPPermapublishing workshop took place at HEAR, Strasbourg, France.
Invitation email
Between May and July 2024, several rounds of invitations to the PPPermapublishing workshop were sent out. Here is what the email said:
Hello, here PrePostPrint!
We're inviting you to our next meeting, happening in Strasbourg, France. This will be a two-day event on September 28–29, 2024 @ HEAR, Strasbourg, France. This gathering's theme will be PPPermapublishing!
Indeed, the PrePostPrint community of practices shares a lot of principles and political values with the Permacomputing’s one. So we'd be happy to bring designers, developers, artists, hackers, researchers, computer scientists, teachers and publishers closer together, to meet and help each other and share ideas, knowledge, and approaches around informal discussions and short projects' demos and presentations.
Just like at our last event @ Césure, Paris, there's no fixed program, so we'll adapt to the mood of the moment. We hope you will all have fun within the PPPermapublishing playground :)
For the newcomers who might not know the spirit of PPP events, without being a proper workshop, this moment would enable us to move forward together on our respective projects, while being able to share them with the people who will be there.
Feel free to come join us with your ideas, projects, prototypes, or just yourself and your curiosity!
To give you a start, you could:
- present a tool, a software, a publication, a website
- ask questions or help
- make a collaborative edition, a zine, an exquisite corpse
- write something, document a project, or the event
- bring a book, something printed, or any publication you make or love for others to browse
- share files, resources, scripts or CSS tips & tricks
- pursue ongoing PPP organization matters such as wiki, communication & so on
- add things to the PPP wiki page
- contribute altogether on a project
ARRIVAL & ACCOMODATIONThis event will start on Saturday morning at 9:30 a.m., but if some of you want to arrive on Friday evening, we will have a drink in Strasbourg. We'll try to find as many accommodations as we can. If you can host people, please reach out to us! To help us organize, we will send to all registered people a link to an online spreadsheet a few weeks before the event.
FOODWe will try to eat together. For Saturday and Sunday lunches, we'll have homemade vegetarian meals. In order to do so, we'll have a communal potluck to pay for everyone's meal. Of course, we'll have breakfast on both days (coffee, croissants & bretzels), and at dinner, we'll give you cool places to go.
PARTICIPATIONFinally, if you'd like to join us, please fill this form to confirm your participation. We do not yet exactly know the gauge of our venue, but we plan to be around 50 to 60 people. We already have a long list of invites, even though the event is not restricted to them. You may ask us for plus ones, and we'll happily discuss it. However, don't come with an unannounced guest just to avoid any issues.
Please note that the event is free of charge and organized on a voluntary basis, and that we will unfortunately not be able to reimburse any transportation costs.
WHAT TO BRINGCome with cups, mugs, outlets, USB keys, HDMI adapters, and so on. Most importantly, don't forget your computer. If you're into plotters, thermal printers, Raspberries and Arduino controllers, it is absolutely the place to shine with those!
We're really excited to welcome you all in Strasbourg, and gather once more our PrePostPrint community :)
With a lot of love,Timothée & Victor
2 Rue de l’Académie, Haute école des arts du Rhin (HEAR), 67000 Strasbourg: https://www.openstreetmap.org/way/40709871
The 2 easiest ways to get here from the station are:
- By Tramway C from Gare Centrale to Gallia (10 min, 5 stops), then walk (5 min): you need to buy a ticket at the dispenser and remember to validate it BEFORE boarding the train, on the platform.
- By walk from the train Station (30 min): https://www.openstreetmap.org/directions?engine=graphhopper_foot&route=48.58453%2C7.73443%3B48.58155%2C7.76147#map=16/48.58307/7.74787&layers=H
For the structure of the event we will reproduce Yann & Julie's brilliant ideas to have four spaces to help people navigate among the numerous projects, desires and group chats:
- PPProposals: a panel on which anyone can formulate a proposition to the other participants, whether it is a workshop proposition, a subject to discuss, some skills that they can provide to help somebody, etc.
- PPPreguntas: another panel, this time to provide the opposite of the PPProposals — a place to share a question, a wish, or a need, that you would like to share with the participants in order to get their feedback or their reactions.
- PPPartage: a series of tables where people can display the stuff (mostly prints) that they bring and that they want the other participants to have a look at. By default, the items the participants put on the table will be for consultation purposes only, but it was also possible to opt out of the consultation-only mode to turn it into a giveaway :)
- PPPresentations: Saturday at 3pm and Sunday at 11am, 5 slots will be made available for a series of 10-minute demos/presentation. The clock will be loosely looked at, people could take the time to showcase a tool, a publication, present what they want to do or what they did during the time they spent here.
In the end, we did come up with a small provisional program, but it may change a little as the weekend progresses.
Day 1
- 10am Welcome Coffee & Breakfast
- 11am Panel Discussion @ the HEAR auditorium, lead by Julien Bidoret & Lucile Haute, with Michael Murtaugh (automatist.org), Marie Verdeil (verdeil.net) and Aymeric Mansoux (permacomputing.net), who will join us remotely. Many thanks to all of them for their enthusiasm and commitment.
- 12am Lunch at Campus Esplanade (there is a street food festival https://streetbouche.com during all the weekend) or in the HEAR’s garden with your own food (there are plenty of options in the neighborhood)
- 1pm Meetup
- 3pm First round of Demos! 5 slots of 10 min
- 4pm Meetup
- 7.30pm meeting at the Wawa bar for those who wish (please be on time for the reservation) 4 Place Saint Nicolas Aux Ondes — it's literally a 1-minute walk. There is other very cool bars on the same place if ever there were too many of us.
Day 2
- 10am Coffee & Breakfast / Meetup
- 11am Second round of Demos! 5 slots of 10 min
- 12am Lunch
- 1pm Meetup or whatever you want
- 5pm Closing words
PPPAD notes
Original Pad: https://pad.editionsburnaout.fr/p/PPPermapublishing
Introduction & table ronde
Marie Verdeil, Aymeric Mansoux, Michael Murtaugh
Moderation: Julien Bidoret & Lucile Haute
Slides: https://prepostprint.org/pppermapublishing/
Please, add here the project and reference that we didn't mentioned and is relevent to map the field between digital (harware, sofware), editing (tools, print, paper) and environmental impact! (or: design \& politics)
My notes about the panel. Sorry for my french, it was aimed to be published in my french only blog. — Marc Bouvier
[1] - prepostprint.org - #PPPermapublishing
(Photo du panel de la table ronde. un moyen de la récupérer pour l'upload ici ?) Le logo de PrePostPrint est projeté à l'écran. Le titre de la table ronde est : PPPPermapublishing ? (/public/img/pppermapublishing-strasbourg-2024-panel.png)
Le matin une table ronde avec les intervenants suivants :
- Marie Verdeil
- Julien Bidoret
- Lucie Haute
- Michael Murtaugh
- Aymeric Mansoux
Marie Verdeil est une designer qui travaille de près avec Low-Tech Journal. Elle porte un regard sur le passé et l'histoire des technologies. Que peuvent-elles nous apprendre pour construire une société plus soutenable et résiliante ?
En vrac parmi les sujets évoqués : homebrewserver.club, Dithering (diffusion d'erreur), Feminism Server Manifesto
Michael Murtaugh parle d'une expérimentation permettant la publication collective d'ouvrages à l'aide de logiciels libres. Etherbox est une constellation d'outils et de pratiques collectives développées autour de l'association Constant.
En vrac : Experimental Publishing, CC4R (Condition Collectives pour la réutilisation), A Reparative Approach to Publishing
(Un bingo de 5 cases sur 5 avec un smiley qui pleure au centre. Il est entouré de phrases telles que : "votre nom est invalide", "quelle est l’adresse du pad?", "câbles USB et standards", "J‘ai oublié le mot de passe du gestionnaire de mots de passe"... on cherchera aussi à récupérer ce merveilleux meme) (/public/img/pppermapublishing-jour-1-panel-crappy-everyday-tech-bingo.png)
Aymeric Mansoux présente le concept de Permacomputing, un projet politique et une communauté de pratiques.
Permacomputing met le focus sur la résilience et la capacité régénérative dans le champ des technologies informatiques et de réseau, inspiré par la permaculture.
Les 3 étapes du succès pour éviter les solutions clé en main imposées par la mentalité capitaliste :
- La problématisation collective. Ce qu'on fait pendant ces 2 jours, discuter comment on met en œuvre, faciliter les échanges, faire collectif.
- Mettre en pratique la décroissance dès maintenant. Des compétences très pratiques, comme sortir du cloud computing, avoir des pratiques professionnelles radicales.
- Pour demain …
La tragédie du point numéro 2 c'est que ça ne nous amène nulle part. Et c'est pour autant nécessaire. Il est crucial de créer des alliances, diffuser les idées en cotoyant les milieux politiques, faire du lobbying, transformer les pratiques d'ingénieurie.
Questions aux intervenant-es
⚠️⚠️⚠️ J'ai essayé re retranscrire les réponses ci-dessous. Il est possible que j'aie écrit des choses pas tout à fait exactes @Aymerick - @Michael - @Marie N'hésitez pas à corriger si j'ai déformé vos propos 👇 (Marc) ⚠️⚠️⚠️
> Alors que nous sommes réunis ici, pour pratiquer à propos de Permapublishing. Quels sont les enjeux à venir de Permapublishing?
> Soyez vigilant-es : toutes les solutions d'aujourd'hui sont des sparadraps. Ils ne répondent pas au cœur du problème. Nous devons aussi construire des alliances solides. Le contexte est bien plus complexe qu'on l'imagine. Il requiert des interconnexions avec d'autres personnes.
Il émet des frustrations face au greenwashing. Notamment concernant des institutions qui remplacent trop régulièrement des ordinateurs alors qu'ils pourraient continuer à être utilisables. Il y a un enjeu de se confronter à des conflits de toute sorte. Enfin il est optimiste en évoquant des pratiques collectives qui pourraient avoir un effet de cheval de Troie. Il pense par exemple au fait de bricoler ces raspberry pi pour émanciper la publication collective.
> Le potentiel que ce travail peut engendrer sur les imaginaires. Cela peut surprendre les gens. Nous ne devons jamais oublier d'exposer ces idées au monde.
Note : mon article de blog sera publié ici
Taking notes together 📖
Saturday Presentations
1 - Nicolas Taffin speaks about workflow
2005 Website >> https://cfeditions.com/
Presenting a pagedjs "hook" to improve the workflow of web to print in PagedJS. Client moving from a bizarre workflow (word, Latex to the 1024 journal) to an HTML review. Many authors bring different articles and contributions in different formats (Word, LaTeX) + Corrections in FAX... - tricky!
NOW in PagedJs
- a new workflow: with status update on articles. Updated via a config TOML file. Available as a dashboard Status.
- a preview mode of the changes and different versions to see different additions in colors: red for changes, green for comments, etc. == ability to print this preview to work with the authors on their articles and the necessary changes.
- Will be released in some time
> Is done with the help of GIT with push and pull. Available locally and via a server.
Discussion dans le pad
Hey who's doing the summary of the talk? That's great!!! Marie :) :))ty https://www.estafette.live/ (le site dont je parlais que doriane a fait) - Ah yes merci, je notais estafet et je trouvais rien....cool :) Et en fait je demandais parce que je cherche à recruter des gens qui sont cools et qui veulent aider pour PPP4P4P ! PrePostPrint for Publishers for Palestine... Et ça semblait être proche. Je vais en parler vite fait ! Ok on en parle plus tard :)
2 - Julien Bidoret speaks about Stolon
Julien is talking about a project originally started by Raphael Bastide called Stolon.
Stolon is tool similar to CodePen.io or other gallery of HTML/code/Js snippets.
- Hosting a gallery full of small snippets with example of codes
- Work interface to type HTML, CSS, JS in the browser and download templates.
Download the tool via Gitlab
Demo link
Other very coool tools made by Raphaël
3 - Quentin Juhel and Lucile Haute showcase Bookolab
Tool to work collaboratively online on publications
- Outputs both PDF (with pagedJS) and a static website (==html pages)
- Based on markdown files
- Relies on Grav CMS
- Online preview of the Work in Progress and deleted afterwards at the end of the project.
- Originally made for
- 1. pedagogical goal (learn css print making one book collectively)
- 2. academic editorial work (replace google doc for people that do not code)
Interface with different tabs:
- Markdown editor with Rich text preview
- Specific CSS print / CSS screen for each page
- Settings tab to add fonts, add global CSS variable, for the CSS/CSS print
- Simpler workflow based on git versioning system
Everything is centralised (instead of working on InDesign files, .docs, wetransfer ,etc.).
Different version exists (some with better interface)
Development by BonjourMonde
Wanna know more? Benjamin Dumond (a.k.a @grifi on X, graphic designer \& developer) will do a presentation on Monday October 30th evening, online (ask Lucile or Quentin for more info)
Link to bookolab: http://bookolab.coalitioncyborg.org/
4 - Arthur Pons introduces us to Catium
Catium is (another) static site generator. It's a templating engine to work with different kind of content (mp3, pages,pdfs?). Catium is useful when working with .MP3 file for example, such as recordings, etc. Catium can extract the metadata of mp3 files and generate an HTML page with all the recordings listed easily.
- Very small and compact software (50lines of shell) out of the box
- Makes use of Unix philosophy and tools >>> Gateway to unix (why?) because it's very small and will require you to get to know shell and unix
- Very portable, extensible
The demo worked!!!! Who could have imagined such incredible stuff!!!!
ssh guest@bebou.netlib.re -p 1459
Arthur is part of KATZELE: a group aiming to promote Unix culture for ecological reasons in Strasbourg.
5 - Cloé Barbier talks about InkJacking...
Cloé was studying in La Cambre and having problems with printing within the art school she studies at. The school printers were not easily accessible. Her challenge was to find new ways of printing.
Together with 2 other people, she starts collecting second hand home printers and refurbishing them.
Big Challenge was to refill the printers cartridges without paying for proprietary cartriges (small amounts + pricy)
The process:
- Learning about different types of cartridges
- Cleaning them with Acetone, etc.
- Refill the ink with syringes
The challenges:
- Find a way to hack into the proprietary lock that prevents you to print with third-party/empty/refilled cartridges:
- Still struggle: Programmed obsolescence :'(
The work:
- Documentation of all the kinds of errors, difficulties etc. with blown-up
- error code printed
- bad ink smugges, ink drops, etc.
- the dither happening when there is less ink.
- Embracing the domestic printer as a tool for artistic practice
- Reprinting the errors via Martin's themal printer
- A manual called ink-jacking explains how to refill cartridge! TRY THIS AT HOME hihi :)
en lien : https://centerforfuturepublishing.wordpress.com/alternative-tools/
6 - Yann Trividic talks about his PhD research
An interface compares (and eventually edits) 3 times the same content in different markup languages
- PagedJs
- PDF generated with Weasyprint
Publishers for Palestine
400 publishing houses are engaged in support of Gaza (ex: la Fabrique, editions Burn-Aout, Atelier Téméraire, etc.)
Looking for people to work with them to make the following:
- A journal receiving different contributions in different text formats
- A3 output
- With a site
- With an Offset print (needs to be calibrated)
Reach out if you can HELP!
Sunday presentations !!
7 - Vincent Peugnet tells us about making storyboards
Vincent built a Storyboard tool
for big projects with a lot of scenes that need to be shared online with the director
Important to make a website, accessible by phone for team
Several parts of the process:
- Creating images for sketching the storyboard:
- For the drawing, Vincent choose to use Krita → he found a way to unzip
files and compressed the output drawing (with imagemagick for compression :)
- For the drawing, Vincent choose to use Krita → he found a way to unzip
- Adding matadata to drawing:
- Like shot styles (valeur, mouvement, focal), informations,
- With a
file to configure metas
- Website render it
- Dynamic PHP framework to HTML static site
Used weasyprint command (via debian package) to layout to PDF
Downloadable PDF per scene/ the whole package
Used pdfunite from popplerutils to merge pdfs together
Result storyboard
Code of the tool
8 - Quentin Astié and his experience with single-source publishing with making a cultural institution's activity report
Coding and graphic design practice
Need for collective/collaborative env/tool, but no time... adobe :( ;)
Project was made for Frac-Arto last year, it was made with Adobe’s things. But this year:
- Idea to work with Paged.Js + CMS
- Complicated process, full of suprises
The project:
- A printed activity report
- Stack is GRAV cms + paged.js (similar to bookolab)
What didn't work:
- Quentin feels like putting himself the content made the client's unengaged
- They were afraid of the code breaking
- In the end, working with a PDF and feedback :'(
What does that mean? People don't want to work collaboratively? Quentin wonders what are the tips to get people to work collaboratively with Open source workflow.
> Yann asks if he has an insider ally.
> Julie says one person on the client side has to handle all the feedback.
> Julien T. asked if there was en editor.
Maybe adapting the template to the web to print workflow.
> Julien B. is asking if our project are not too techno-solutionist because we love software and creating tool. How to find the balance between was is good for the porject/ clients and was is in our own interest/fascination/etc.
Grav has a rich text editor.
1st phase: get into in the CMS. 2nd phase: Quentin put the content himself, and then show the interface of grav and they got frightened. There was some code to call images that were a bit scary. So they ended up working with PDF and notes. Which kind of break the whole ideas of the workflow. Even if the goal was to just change the text, the code was enough to turn them off.
> Maybe people don't want to work collaboratively if they’re not educated about how that works.
> It’s hard to sell the solution and explain how to make that work.
> Yann said it would be nice to have everyone meet around this project from the beginning to get them to understand the process and engage into it.
> There is something that is not helping when people have habits that are really hard to manipulate and change.
> The layout was also linked to the previous softwares and this also was a challenge to convert/translate it to other softwares.
> Julien B. talks about technosolusionism: sometimes we build tools in a new way, but the benefits are not every time for the clients or the people, but only us.
9 - Clara Bougon presents her practice around F/LOSS and licences
Clara talks about their graduation work at La Cambre master in typography.
She got interested on licenses during her course on copyright and law.
- Listing licences
- Drawing graph and schematics to understand copyrights
- Explantions by Eva Weinmayr
- Telemarketing counter script: A way to counter and hijack conversation with phone call marketers in the shape of a tree of solutions.
Her work:
- A big A3 poster made with draw.io. A tree of solution
- Adapting it to the web?
- using a D\&D role play gaming app to make an interactive form. A decision tool? Twine (don't know the proper name) .
Her website
The license-path tool
To download the posters
10 - Antonin Gallon talks about his Basker-campagne
Bootleg redesign of Almanach d'un comté des sables by Aldo Leopold. Aldo Leopold is an early american ecologist.
- Month by month description. Review on landscape, biodiversity, animals
- Working on a typeface to illustrate notion of cycle.
- Fork of Baskerville >>> Basker-campagne(= country side in french)
- A variable of Baskerville with drawings of plants growing out of the letters.
- Illustrating a web to print version of the almanach, slowly growing as the month pass.
- Cycle scrolling to represent the infinite return of the year (scrollbar is represented by a circle)
Made me think of this: https://blog.professeurjoachim.com/
Joachim's blog gets more and more weeds and leaves as time passes and he hasn't made a modification on it.
11 - Eric Schrijver !
Project from 2010-2014 that should be coming back soon
Toutes les phrases étaient écrites par Marie:)))) Merciiiii !.
I like tight pants and Mathematics
Eric started a band to flirt with people. Somehow it's cool, right?
He didn't want to go to technical university because the boys were not cool enough.
Then, he discovered tight pants!
the transformative power of shiny leggings ;)
He also learned how to make websites, it's always useful.
- Nerds can wear tight jeans!
- Or leggings. I’ve never self identified as a Nerd though :0 [ES]
Result: https://i.liketightpants.net/and/archives
https://github.com/codingisacopingstrategy/writer (open today for the 1st time after 14 years :))
URL poetry <3
Jokes in the URLs : like i.liketightpants.net/and/scripts/being/jQuery etc
Internet commenting as a use to embody different persona and discuss the website
Use different personas to writing articles and comments on the blog (technical one, graphic one, etc.)
Frustration/fail? Of template that makes all posts/voices the same.
About Eric's position about WYSIWYG and Markdown
Original article (longer)
Next version arriving in winter (resistance to new template applied to old pages).
Looking for ideas on how to (re)launch the blog...
<3 thanks to those taking notes
Could GlassBox be a place for your launch?
Roxanne will know about it, I think it could be nice.
12 - Marc Bouvier (Building a Making-of for my projects)
Doodling while writing
Helps reflect on one's own work
Help articulate clearly his taught
Helps to debbuging (Mikado Method)
Emphasis on struggles and choices. (n.b. évidemment Angèle ft Orelsan)
Capture my choices and also my *non-choices*... preserve intention and context.
A making of is like following a journey: even if it fails there's something!
(there's always an artifact)
Chrome extension that captures tabs in a markdown list (Dump tabs as markdown to clipboard)
Dense documentation of whole process with errors and frustrations
13 - Camille aka Slowpress, Slowpy
Pratique amateure, travaille dans le social.
Mise en page de poèmes, en ligne et en imprimé n'importe comment après avoir raté avec PagedJS. Le changelog est devenu un blog.
"Sur la version imprimée, il n'y a plus aucun lien, mais l'écriture toute seule".
Convertir un carnet hypothèses en publication avec Libre Office. Ce serait un projet web.
14 - Kiara Jouhanneau - Rêves Party
Collection de textes FR, poèmes, et sur les thématiques du voyage et du rêve pendant la pandémie.
Inclut un tutoriel CSS print pour en faire un livre. Chaque texte contient des fonctionnalités, pour jouer avec.
Interactions made relevant to the content of the stories/texts.
La version print contient aussi les interactions, ce qui permet de personnaliser son exemplaire. (snapshot of whatever state the text was in at time of ctrl-p)
Additional info I forgot to mention: there's a plan on making a version with english/american texts! (Kiara)
15 - Shikhar Bhardwaj - Techriolage
(Presents a PDF of a Paper to be published in december 2024)
Permacomputing (in the topic!) Techriolage, between technology and bricolage.
“Repairing the aesthetics of technical objects”
View of Massy-Palaiseau:
Questioning why architectural renderings don't show waste.
Waste: Obsolescence of Function, Quality, or Desirability.
(Photos showing waste seen on streets)
Waste and globalisation... Comparison of Crocs + Traditionally made shoe in India (does "sustainable" take into account locality)
"Unmaking" ... Autopsy (as method)
Yuk Hui on Cosmetics and Cosmopolitics: language as examples of "externalization of memory" but represents also manifestations of culture.
Method using Bricolage for Reuse.
Indofuturism table
Archive of technical objects used in the research
Attempt to repair a found charger using ceramics, or using textiles to repair a headphone. → repairing the aesthetics of technical objects
Further references:
16 - Marc Chantreux - Introduction to VIM
contact: mc@unistra.fr
Développeur et pas designer. Essaie de réduire l'emploi de code, et n'utilise pas de GUI. Make, emacs, vim : ce sont des logiciels sans interface graphique. Il veut nous présenter comment on interagit avec.
Tout dans vim est un objet
Marc is here to show us that VIM is COOL!
Everything in VIM is an object, that you can access, edit, etc.
- For example:
- Dyping "daw" Deletes A Word
- Pipeline in makefile outputting svg from tabular data of RATP ticket sale locations
- sed 1d : delete one line
using many classic commandline text manipulation commands:
sed, awk, cut, sort, uniq, tr "here" docs as templates (shell)
using VIM = the whole power of unix (= ancestor of all existing OS but windows)
Marc shows us how vim ables him to launch/edit/open stuff from inside text files to enable more interactivity than traditional clis while still using the same tools
Example : listing and opening files in cli would be
$ ls file1 file2 file3 $ vim file1
Which is done in two separate steps
But in vim you would execute ls to get the files as text in you file
And then navigate to the file you want and type "gf" (for Go to File")
Which in a sense is creating a tiny basic file explorer because of vim's "text is data" approach
Unix was born before screens and monitors, when we still used teletypes to execute command. Created in the 60-70s and rebooted in 80-90s as plan9 (an OS that tried to merge GUIs and CLIs good ideas together)
Philosophy: using text as a necessity
In the 90s, translation of computer to graphical machines but keeping the philosophy of using text
Text editors that are meant to be extended (more of the vscodium and emacs type) vs Vim meant to drive existing functionalities of Unix
GUI was ruining his productivity
vim on phone?
F-Droid is an alternative, free software app store with some terminal apps that do include Vim. But it's true that it's not the best-suited for typing on the phone, you better use regular notetaking apps on the phone :/
17 - Lucie Robinet
Lucie presents their website/food blog "crounch", their diploma project from last year.
Website entirely made in ASCII, so it's a very light website
Their code line is litteraly what is shown on the website, + only one javascript line for the hovering.
Everything is hand made -> bring back slowmade websites, digital craftsmanship ?
18- Martin Lemaire
Demo of banderole.sh https://git.vvvvvvaria.org/clemtre/banderole.sh
Further references:
19 - Ada
Sharing etherpad frustration, dicsonnection, etc.
Presentation HedgeDoc
A collaborative markdown text editor with integrated WYSWYG preview
Can be used to create slides
There is a Vim mode, sublime mode, emacs :) lol
Closing words and discussion
Wiki article of the event
The link to the Matrix server and other online places PPP related
> Quentin Juhel mentions that there could be different modalities for this kind of workshops. The event could be more or less open, organizing events for people to meet and work very much together. An option would be for the "professionals" to meet the day before, maybe on a Friday, and then have a more open event on the Saturday.
> Guillaume Ayoub found it super great compared to other less-organic conferences and more tech-savvy meetups!
> Marie Verdeil mentions that the demo are super different, and that it could be maybe more categorized.
> Ada said that there was a livecoding night on Saturday night and nobody from here knew about it :( she mentions that the Interhack is a nice network that has an interesting format of events (Universités des 4 saisons), and that PPP could get inspired by that or propose some workshops there. It's always a cool opportunity to meet up!
- Interhack:
- Wiki
- Matrix: #space:matrix.interhack.space
- Mailing-list
> Regarding the Saturday morning's roundtable, Anne Laforêt found it a bit too short because the guests were super cool and maybe it would have been even greater if they had more time to develop their topics. Julien Bidoret said that it was designed as food-for-thought, and that yes, indeed, it could have been longer.
> Regarding food, Anne shared that having to go get food outside was kinda breaking the dynamics of the day.
> Lucile is starting an opencall for references about permapublishing. Please add yours below!!
> Camille thanks people for wearing masks so much, a member of ARRA (Association pour la Réduction des Risques Aéroportés) can propose some resources for further editions.
> Maintainers should have had a meeting during the weekend, but it didn't happen. It is supposed to rotate each year, the last rotation was in January. PPP is not just ruled by the maintainers, anyone can contribute, some groups are not linked to the maintainers at all, such as PPP NL.
> Regarding the next PPP event, there could be something happening in Brussels with Martin Lemaire, Zeste Le Reste, Marie Verdeil and others.
> Julien Bidoret raises up the point that the people who organize the logistics are not necessarily the same people who organize the talks and topic of the session.
Julien also mentions a new section on the Wiki related to research dissertations (Masters and PhDs) about PPP-related subjects.
> There is also a topic related to accountancy. Marc Chantreux talks about Lilo, that is a structure that can support projects related to F/LOSS such as PPP. The treasurer of Lilo really insisted that we need invoices for that. Marc mentions that sponsors could help. Sponsors an be interested in funding if they can recruit people or getting a nice image to the community. Why not going to broader public events such as FOSDEM (european FLOSS congress) in Brussels?
> Ada mentions its anarchist fork/off, OFFDEM, which will happen in Brussels from February 1st to 2nd 2025, which this year will be focused on the issues of funding free software/hardware infrastructure.
> Julie Blanc raises up that some people can be paid to come to PPP (e.g. by their institution). She raises up that it's unclear why the roundtable participants should get be paid as compared to other participants who have fees. Lucile Haute said that institutional money could be used to leverage money and pay for people who can't afford to come otherwise.
> Victor Hoffner says that a donation system could be enough to get money to run the whole thing. Also, he reminds everyone that PPP has been purposefully structureless and statusless.
> Lucile Haute tries to synthesize what has been said with an idea: a roundtable could be an institutional event, somewhere, that could have its own support and economy, and it could fund the rest of the event.
> Julien Taquet is wondering how much it could hypothetically cost to organize a PPP event. Because if we know that we can have a better idea of the support we can get for it.
> Marc Chantreux shares his experience with Lilo and events organization. It really depends on the people's access to institutions or places.
> Julie Blanc raises up that Césure can host the next event in April 2025, but as the last event was already there, we (Julie and Yann Trividic) don't want to preemptate the opportunity for another place and time at this period.
> Kiara Jouhanneau says that April could be the opportunity to rotate the maintainers.
> Victor Hoffner and Quentin Juhel talk about communication tools: should we move away the Matrix rooms away from matrix.org. Yann Trividic mentions that the mailing list doesn't work so great: mails sometimes take a lot of time to reach the addresses.
Congrats everyone! PPPermapublishing out!
References about permapublishing -- put them down here!!!!
More on permacomputing than publishing but still thought it might interest some folks:
- NOTECHREADERS from No Tech Magazine, the sister blog of Low-tech Magazine! Sharing many many good links, sometimes on digital technology, always somewhat critical/skeptical -- This latest one on digital technology
- Solarserver for publishing videogames by Kara Stone
- Low Carbon Methods