PPP meetup, 16 February 2024: Difference between revisions

From PrePostPrint
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===See also===
===See also===

* [[PPP NL]]
* [[PPP NL]]

Revision as of 17:48, 27 February 2024

PrePostPrint Meetup

Welcome to the PrePostPrint NL group!

PPP is a community of practices around experimental publications made with free software (https://prepostprint.org).

The PPP NL group is imagined as a local satellite of the wider PPP community. While free/libre open source practices seem to be more widely discussed in the context of France and Belgium, we are missing spaces for exchange and converse in the local context of The Netherlands.

If you're curious to explore Free/Libre and Open Source Software (F/LOSS) to make publications and layouts with, or have already worked with these tools and are looking for ways to exchange with others, please join us on 16 February 2024 at the H&D studio!


       Join the PPP NL signal group



11:00 Coffee, tea
11.30 Introductions
12:00 - 13.00 PPP peers: moment to create groups around shared urgencies
13.00 - 14.00 Lunch (H&D makes a soup, please bring something to supplement like bread, salad or 'smeersels')
14.00 - 16.00 PPP peers: moment to continue in groups or create groups around shared urgencies
16.00 - 17.00: Regroup, making plans for the future of PPP NL


PPPPost-its: Hidden Agendas


See also